In reflecting on the life of John Ramsey, the following observations were made by individuals who knew him well.

A State University President

His manner of address was splendidly positive (he was always positive, never negative), his voice was melodious, and his pronunciation and enunciation were both perfect (in the deep south this was no mean accomplishment).  John Ramsey always appeared to be “extremely rich.”  Naturally, I do not reference measurable elements of wealth, but, in an age of great depression he was able to give the impression of a man who was to the manor born and yet one who was also servant to all!

A Florida Educator

Doc can exchange recipes in the kitchen, talk football in the den, or debate philosophy in the living room with the same avid interest and expertise.

A Faculty Member, The University of Alabama

I suppose the number of students he has befriended is legion.  On their part, students have respected this man who carried his learning lightly, and they have voted him into a number of advisory posts, which I have good reason to believe John regarded not merely as an honor, but as a deep responsibility.  Students have an unerring good sense in detecting what is phony; John is the embodiment of what is genuine and unpretentious.

A Missouri Businessman, and his Wife

Dr. Ramsey made his first impact upon both our lives as our teacher.  He gave us deep feeling for history and the value of our cultural heritage.  He then became a friend.  In this friendship his intellect continues to be an influence in our lives but more importantly, we know him, love him, and enjoy him as a member of our family.

A Formal Doctoral Student

John Ramsey is a very social being.  He is an asset at any social gathering.  He is a gifted raconteur and conversationalist.  He seems never to have forgotten anything he has ever read or done.  The “universal man,” many think, disappeared after the eighteenth century.  If so, John Ramsey is an anachronism—he is a “universal man.”

A University of Houston Professor

The camaraderie and good fellowship you infused into the lives of all of us graduate students in the department during the middle fifties imparted to me the realization that the link between professor and student should extend beyond the boundaries of the classroom.

A Professor at Auburn University

Your professional scholarly achievements stand proudly before the world for all to see.  Your personal contribution cannot be so displayed, for it rests in the hearts and lives of those of us who have known and worked with you.